Christmas 2024

You are warmly invited to St Mark’s this season.  

In a troubled world, where is God?

In the birth of Jesus, God entered our broken world to bring hope, peace, joy and love. Through every celebration and challenge, He is Emmanuel – God with us. We invite you to join us this season and discover what ‘God with us’ means for you today.   

Wishing you every blessing for Christmas and the New Year.

Services and events this season

Find out more

It starts with Christmas but it doesn’t have to end there.

Meet new people and explore the Christian faith together. Alpha is for anyone who’s curious. No judgement, no pressure.

Each session unpacks a big question of life, faith, and purpose, and is designed to spark conversation. There’s food, video and discussion. Come along, see what you think.

Christmas Giving Appeal

We are collecting luxury hamper items for The Harrogate Clothes Bank. If you would like to donate items please drop them at St Mark’s during office hours or at service times.

Suggested items to donate include:

Brandy Snaps
Christmas Cake
Boxed Chocolates (eg. Celebrations)
Yule Log
Pringles or nice crisps
Cranberry sauce
Chocolate orange
Tree chocolates
Shloer drink
Mince Pies

(no alcohol please)

Half of the collection taken during the Christingle Service will go to the work of the Children’s Society and half towards the mission and ministry of St Marks.