Marks of Membership


At St Mark’s we welcome all who want to make the journey of discovering more of God in their lives.

As a family, our desire is to see each one of our members fully embraced into life at St Mark’s. Although we don’t have any formal membership, to help to describe what it means to be fully part of St Mark’s Church we have four marks of membership.


marks of membership at St Mark's Church

01. Worshipping

Our relationship with God is our highest value, and we pursue this not on our own but in community. At St Mark’s this means being committed to joining together in worship and study of the Word. So we ask all our members to commit to making Sunday worship at St Mark’s Church a priority in their lives.

02. Belonging

To grow in our faith we need to live in open and accountable relationships. This level of commitment to each other cannot practically be done in our corporate Sunday worship, but in a place where we can have close friendships. It is in this context that we learn to love each other, love God and grow in wholeness. So we ask all our members to commit to maintaining open and accountable relationships by joining a small group at St Mark’s Church.

03. Serving

We believe the church, is a community and a family, where everyone has an essential part to play. God gives each of us gifts and talents to serve one another and our wider community. Through serving we can grow more like Jesus and share his love with others. So we ask all our members to commit to serving in a ministry of St Mark’s Church.

04. Giving

The giving of our money is the most tangible evidence of our commitment. If we think of ourselves as a member of St Mark’s we will consider it a duty and a joy to contribute financially to our shared ministry and mission. So we ask all our members to commit to regular, planned, faithful and generous giving to St Mark’s Church.

The church’s Electoral Roll is the register of its voting members; it is a list of those qualified to attend and to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. If you would like to join our roll please click the button below.