Pastoral Care


St Mark’s is a supportive community. We aim to support and care for people with the same heart of compassion as Jesus.

We also want to encourage every person in their Christian faith journey as they seek to become more like Jesus, following the Bible’s teaching to love God and love each other. We aim to reflect God’s heart across our community, to bring wholeness and healing to individuals and relationships as we seek to bring God’s kingdom on earth.


Small Groups

Small Groups should be our first port of call if we need support. Please do be keeping in touch with the people in your small group, whether that’s through some kind of video conferencing, group texting or a good old fashioned phone call.

Prayer Support

We are praying everyday. If you have a specific prayer request for yourself, or someone you know, please do get in touch.

Listening and Prayer

If you, or someone you know, would value being able to speak to someone about the things you are dealing with we have a team trained in listening, prayer, and pastoral support.

Home Communion

If you, or someone you know, is unable to attend worship services at church we have a team trained to take holy communion to those who are housebound, in hospital, or otherwise incapacitated.

Bereavement Support

If you, or someone you know, has experienced a bereavement we have a team available to support you in your loss. We can offer an opportunity to talk through what has happened and how you are feeling as well as to pray with you.

The Bereavement Journey

The Bereavement Journey is for anyone who has been bereaved at any time and in any way. We run it on an annual basis, everyone is welcome to attend, and we can add your name to a list to invite you to the next course.

Meal Train

If you, or someone you know, is in a time of crisis, perhaps after being in hospital or during illness, we may be able to provide meals to help out.

Find out more

If you would like to enquire about pastoral support, or if you have any questions, please get in touch with our Pastoral Team.