Sunday Children’s Groups

Our weekly children’s groups take place during term-time on Sunday morning during the 10.30am service. We also run Church at 4 every Sunday at 4pm during term time. This is family focused service with toast bar, reflection, prayer, games and Lego Church once a month. At this service children stay with their grown ups but a children’s register is taken.

Babies and toddlers are welcome to stay in the 10.30 service or there is a crèche for 1-3 year olds who are confident walkers. 

To ensure your children are safe in our care we ask for all children attending groups to be registered with the church. Registration is a simple process made online. If you are new to St Mark’s or haven’t registered your child please click the link below. 

Activate Children's groups at st marks church

Activate are our children’s groups that operate during term time at the 10.30am. All children and adults are together at the beginning of the service before they split into the below groups where registers are taken. 

Activate Green
Age: 1-3 years old who are confident walkers
Where: Creche  l  Leader: Gail Vlack
Activate Red
Age: Reception children (3-5 years)
Where: Loft Room l  Leader: Becky Onslow
Activate Yellow
Age: Years 1 & 2 children (age 5-7yrs)
Where: Upper Room l  Leader: Becky Onslow
Activate Blue
Age: Years 3, 4 & 5 children (age 7-10 yrs)
Where: Rose Room l  Leader: Rachel Tunnicliffe

Our vision is –

To let children know they are loved by God and are precious to Him; to let them know that Jesus offers each one of them a friendship like no other; to help them build relationships and community with their age-group peers, with other children and young people, and with their leaders; to help them play their part in the whole Church family where together we are a family of servants on mission. 


Find out more

We encourage you to meet our leaders who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.  Please speak to one of our 10.30am welcomers before the service who will be happy to introduce you to one of the children and young people’s team leaders or you can contact the children’s ministry leader, Liz Resch.