Men’s Ministry

Friday 11th October, 8.30pm at Shalimar (probably!)
Our beer and bite night is back in October for all men at St Mark’s. Whether you’ve been at St Mark’s for ages or have just arrived, we would love you to join us for a relaxed evening together and an opportunity to get to know each other. Fell welcome to invite your friends along too.
Please RSVP to Mike Procter so we have  an idea of numbers.

Part of our aim as a church is to build community and help men to grow in their faith.

Many men are overstretched by work, and seeking to juggle family, friendships and other priorities.

In recognition of this, men at St Mark’s spend time together in a variety of ways….

Larger gatherings;

  • Beer & Bite – A few drinks and a meal together in Harrogate two or three times a year. A great way to get to know people. Purely a social and an opportunity to invite friends.
  • Annual weekend away, with a guest speaker.

Marksmen small-group:

  • Every Wednesday at 7.45pm in church, where the aim is to share, listen, discuss & study. Pub or a meal every 4-8 weeks. Come along and try it out. Your first beer is free….probably!

For more information, please contact the Marksmen coordinators Mike Procter and Richard Hall

To ensure emails are relevant, female partners will not receive ‘St Mark’s Men’ information. Don’t miss out. Please include yourself on the church database in addition to any partner!


Monthly Men’s Breakfast

8am – 9.30am at Wetherspoons, Royal Baths, Parliament St, Harrogate HG1 2RE

Meeting on the first Saturday every month, start your weekend with a Wetherspoons breakfast and some thought provoking conversation with other men from St Mark’s. All welcome

No tickets or registration. Just turn up. Any questions contact: