At St Mark’s we believe that Jesus’ healing and restoration is for the whole of creation.


ARocha and St Mark's Harrogate

ARocha Eco Church Silver award

In June 2022 we received our Eco Church Silver Award, here presented by Andrew Jones MP to Environment Officer, Deborah Booth. The Eco Church programme is a very useful resource, challenging us in five different areas of church life: Buildings, Land, Worship, Community Engagement and Lifestyle. It reduces a mountainous task into smaller and less daunting steps. 
Picnic Benches at St Mark's Harrogate

Outdoor Worship

Many of us find that being outdoors in God’s creation provides a ‘portal’ into His Presence. He is not limited to meeting us indoors! We have a Woodland Walk with regular prayer trails, an orchard for contemplative prayer, an outdoor classroom, a wildflower meadow, and a bench specifically for praying. We hope that our garden provides a ‘thin place’ where people can meet with God.

The Harrogate Clothes Bank

Harrogate Clothes Bank

St Mark’s runs a clothes bank, set up in 2016 by then church member, Michelle Hayes; this is much used by local people on low income (of whom there are sadly many, even in leafy Harrogate) and particularly by refugees.

St Marks net zero carbon free


Did you know…? 
These three projects were ‘born’ in St Marks! They are now out in the wide world and have a life of their own:
Solar Panals at St Mark's Harrogate

Renewable Energy

We installed solar panels in 2012, here shown being blessed by Rt Rev. James Bell, previous Bishop of Ripon, alongside Andrew Jones MP. The solar panels generate approximately 6,300 kWh per year and for the rest of our energy we have been using Green Journey (renewable energy) since 2017. We are currently working on replacing our gas boiler with more solar panels and Air Source or Ground Source heat pumps.

Car Free Sunday

St Mark’s are trying to reduce the number of cars on the road by encouraging new habits of active travel and use of public transport.
Did you know…?
Transport is the UK’s largest emitting sector of greenhouse gas emissions, producing 24% of the UK’s total emissions in 2020 (GOV.UK)
Cycling at St Mark's

Active Travel

We have provision for 32 bikes, having doubled our number of cycle racks this year using a council grant. We encourage active travel in its various forms.

St Mark's Video

St Mark’s filmed

St Mark’s was filmed in June 2022 by the Church of England, in order to be used along with other case studies for inspiring leaders at the July 2022 General Synod, and for use as a resource on the Church of England’s Environment pages.