Congratulations on your engagement! An exciting and happy time lies ahead and there will be so much to think about and plan for.
Weddings are wonderful occasions where we can celebrate the love and commitment you share. Christian marriage is very important to us and we want to do all that we can to help you prepare for your wedding and your married life together.
Weddings are wonderful occasions where we can celebrate the love and commitment you share. Christian marriage is very important to us and we want to do all that we can to help you prepare for your wedding and your married life together.
To be able to get married at St Mark’s church, you have to meet certain criteria.
You can get married here if you live in the parish, or have a “qualifying connection” to the church. If neither of you live in this parish, by law you must show you have a qualifying connection to St Mark’s. This process has to be explored before the wedding can be confirmed. Click here to find out more information from The Church of England about weddings and blessings in church.
What do I need to do to get married at SMCH?
Before you can get married you will need either a Licence, or to have your Banns read out in church on three consecutive Sundays during the three months preceding the wedding. Both Licences and Banns are valid for three months.
If one of you lives in another parish, then the Banns must also be read in the Parish Church of that parish. The latter parish will, after the required three readings, issue a Certificate which you should collect and bring to St Mark’s Church no later than four weeks before the wedding.
If the person qualifying for residence within the parish should move out of the parish prior to the Banns being read, he/she should contact one of the Clergy immediately.
How much will my church wedding cost?
Wedding fees at St Mark’s start at £560 with optional additional charges being made for the organist, choir and floristry arrangements.
When will the fees be payable?
We ask that you pay your wedding fees one month before your wedding.
The Marriage Course
Marriage Preparation…
We believe that people spend more time learning to drive a car than studying the basic skills of relationships – communication, handling conflict, understanding the different ways we give and receive love. It is good to prepare for your life together. We offer amarriage preparation day, normally in February, to all couples getting married at St Mark’s. It’s enjoyable, non-threatening, and we believe gives a strong foundation for the future. We will be in touch with you to give you the details of this opportunity, and strongly hope you can take part.
In terms of planning the wedding itself, the clergyperson who is marrying you will be in touch and will see you twice in order to plan the service and get to know you. There will be a rehearsal before the wedding as well.
Find out more
If you would are not already registered with us and would like to enquire about getting married at St Mark’s, or if you have any questions, please get in touch using the connect card.
If you are already registered with St Mark’s and have questions about your upcoming wedding please click here to contact our wedding co-ordinator Lee Milne.
Useful Links
If you would like to book our organist, Dorothy Maxwell GGSM AGSM CRCO, to play at your wedding please let us know.