Healing Prayer

Healing Prayer

On Sundays in our services we try to offer healing for prayer as much as we can. We have a prayer ministry team who can pray with you either in church or at another place and time.

Every 5th Sunday we hold a special healing prayer service from 7pm. Everyone is welcome. Come for healing, for someone to be healed what ever you need we are here.

It is not us who heal, but it is through us that the spirit of God can bring the life of his healing rule to earth.

Jesus wants to meet you where you need him. And he gives us each other as the means by which we can encounter his grace.

So if you, or someone you know, would like to be prayed for, please do come at the end of the service or contact us to so that we can arrange a suitable time for members of the prayer ministry team to pray with you.

This isn’t something a few special people can do, it is something that Jesus calls all of his followers to do. It’s not magic and it’s not rocket science. It’s simply about trying to do the things that Jesus does in his power and not ours.

To find out more about prayer ministry please contact Shirley Jones through the church office on 01423 544528