
Are you saying yes to Jesus?

You are never too young or too old to take this step, and being baptised as an older child, young person, or adult – when you can make the decision and promises for yourself – is a wonderful experience. Baptism is saying “Yes” to Jesus; “Yes” to a new and deeper relationship with God and...


Thank you for your generous giving

A huge thanks to the Woodroofe’s community who organised the Big Quiz on 17 Nov. It was a fantastic evening which raised £406 for Tearfund. Once again St Mark’s generosity knows no bounds and you blessed the socks off the various charities we collected for over Christmas. The boxes were over flowing with gifts for...

Feeding the 5000 in Harrogate

Feeding the 5000 in Harrogate

This January marks the first anniversary of the Resurrected Bites café. The café has been a huge success, with lots of regular customers and a great community where people can find friendship. Lots of parents come in with their little ones as we are very family friendly and we even offer a free creche once...


Identity in Christ

James discusses what labels define you, what labels did people attach to Jesus when he was on earth? do you know you are a child of God?


God in a Jar!

Guy discusses what image of God we have and how the coming of Jesus redefines God in so many ways.



Guy discusses the beginning of Advent