Cornerstone community

Cornerstone community

When: Alternate Thursday evenings 8.00 – 10.00pm
Location: In homes in Harrogate, Oakbeck, Pannal and Low Laithe and other venues as the spirit leads.

About us:
We seek no identity other than our identity in Christ; the cornerstone of our lives. We call ourselves cornerstone from the words of the song ‘In Christ Alone’. The lyrics say it all. It tells of the foundation of what we believe – Christ, the God who change all history and who wants a relationship with each of us.

We are a group with scattered missions. We support each other in our respective mission fields and we seek where we can opportunities to work in collective mission together. We take as our bible verse Ephesians 2: 22

“Now he’s using you, fitting you in brick by brick, stone by stone, with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone that holds all the parts together.” (The Message)

To find out more or to join this group contact the group leader:

Mike Beer
Call: 01423 780897